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NIRIS is the centralized, authoritative data source for the environmental restoration program

NIRIS provides the Navy’s environmental restoration community a key centralized resource for the upload, storage, and retrieval of installation specific environmental data, administrative record PDF files, land use control inspection data, and access to geospatial content.  NIRIS consists of the digitized version of key business processes associated with the dissemination and analysis of the environmental data using query, export, reporting, and analysis tools.


NIRIS is a proven, accredited technology platform

Access to NIRIS is only available to users that possess a valid NAVFAC SSO account.  This user may then request access to NIRIS by using the eTools menu of the NAVFAC portal and clicking Account Request.  Once approved by the Navy sponsor, the user is notified via email that access has been granted.

NIRIS stores and serves over 47 million analytical results

Authorized users can submit chemical/analytical data to NIRIS in a text file format known as NEDD: Navy Environmental Data Deliverable.  Instructions for submitting the data, as well as numerous reference materials for the proper format of the data can be accessed by data submitters from the NIRIS Portal. These reference materials exist as downloadable documents and web pages.  The submitted files are then validated by an automated data checker to ensure proper formatting.  If all checks are passed, the files are then staged for loading into the analytical database, and both the submitter and a Regional Data Manager (RDM) are notified via automated emails that data is ready to be included in NIRIS.  The submitter and RDM are external contractors that access NIRIS/NITC using either CAC or Token-card PKI.


Users can access analytical data in the NIRIS system in a variety of ways.  Most NIRIS users are provisioned to the NIRIS query tool which allows users to query analytical data by filtering on several criteria. The results of the query are displayed in the browser in tabular format which can also be exported by the user in several useful formats.  Analytical data may also be queried spatially using the NIRIS GRX toolset, part of the NAVFAC Georeadiness platform.

NIRIS stores and serves over 260,000 administrative records

The NIRIS application provides tools that support the Administrative Records process associated with Environmental Restoration (ER) activities. These tools allow authorized NIRIS users to upload, edit, delete, and review Administrative Record, Site File, and Post Decision PDF documents.  NIRIS users can search, browse and download these documents using a centralized record search tool.

NIRIS manages over 700 land use controlled areas

Environmental restoration work at Naval installations targets areas of contamination that may impact public health.   Authorized NIRIS users can enter descriptions of these areas, list the contaminants, and define the method, techniques, or technologies that have been put into place to control the contamination.  These users can also define custom checklists and inspection schedules to ensure that the controls remain effective and in place.  The NIRIS system will notify authorized users when inspections are due and provides a tool to enter inspection results and identified deficiencies for tracking and audit purposes.

NIRIS provides direct collaboration between Navy experts, RPMs, and contractors

NIRIS users can submit sampling analysis plans for review by Navy chemists, and also documents for explosive safety experts, and general Partnering Team members.  This is a collaborative process and provides contractors the ability to interact with the responsible Navy experts, provide ongoing commentary, and maintain an audit history to achieve closure or approval on a specific business process or project requirement.


NIRIS users may belong to a partnering team and can access a team collaboration area restricted to this subset of users.  The team membership is managed by the Remedial Project Manager (RPM) for a specific Navy installation and the area is used for document sharing, calendar and event scheduling, online discussions, and blogs.

NIRIS provides technical support to headquarters and RPMs for remedial inquiries and data calls

NIRIS provides a centralized technical support resource for requests originating from Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) or Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Headquarters (NAVFAC HQ) and assists with coordination between NAVFAC Atlantic (LANT), NAVFAC Pacific (PAC), NAVFAC Engineering Service Center (ESC), or the Navy Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) and HQ to ensure that exemplary support is provided.  The resource is used as both an issue tracking system and a general knowledge base to review past findings and solutions to common problems.

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